Need a programmer/designer/illustrator?
I'm Martin Rebas; I live in Gothenburg, Sweden.
I've been programming since I was twelve; in high school I wrote assembly language games for Amiga computers, and my interest in programming eventually led me to get a master's degree in computer science from Chalmers University of Technology.
I've used Java, C++ and OpenGL in various projects, but I've spent most of the time working in web-related design and programming. I've been creating web pages since 1994, and I have extensive experience of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL. I've designed and coded a large number of sites for various companies, and I've written complex content management systems from scratch.
I've worked a lot with Wordpress (including creating several plugins), and I've also worked with Prestashop, ExpressionEngine, and osCommerce. I've handled redesign projects to make sites responsive, and I've used a variety of APIs (Vimeo, Google Maps, Klarna, etc). Generally, I like programming related to graphics and user interfaces.
I'm also a versatile illustrator; I've painted computer game graphics, book covers/illustrations, comics, and much more. I have 30 years of Photoshop experience and a good grasp of graphic design, 3D modelling, photography and video editing. My Swedish and English are excellent, my French, German and Estonian are quite decent, and I'm working on my Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.
My last workplace was FCC (Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre for Industrial Mathematics). Some of the things I did there were:
See the sidebar for links to my CV and portfolio.