The office room booking system I created for FCC as a Wordpress plugin
The conference room booking system I created for FCC as a Wordpress plugin
I've updated the pages Quotes From Me and Quotes From the Internet.
To aid everyone who's making squirrel-shaped ginger bread cookies this Christmas, I've added a page with squirrel cookie cutters that can be 3d printed.
I added a Reversi (a.k.a. Othello) game to my site. The AI will improve in a few weeks, once the genetic algorithm I've written has had time to optimize the parameters.
There's a new page about my favorite illustrators, a page about my Java games (although it's difficult to get Java applets to run in browsers nowadays), I've added a cake recipe (in Swedish), and there's a new image in the portfolio.
I've made some corrections to the site code; some minor functions are still missing, but as of this update, the site seems to be working more or less as it should, and I'll start concentrating on adding more content.
Also: It turns out I had forgotten to include the file responsible for saving portfolio image ratings. Go rate my portfolio images!
I received a package today! For the first time in a long while, I've ordered comics from Yesasia and Amazon, including Åsa Ekström's new book about culture clashes and misadventures in Japan. Now all I need to do is to learn these stupid languages.
I decided to switch to a new layout before everything was ready, partly to force myself to finally get it done, and partly to stress myself out for no good reason. Come back in a week or so, and I'll have much more content up. You should probably be celebrating Christmas now anyway.
Sesame's AI voice is the most realistic yet.
You can use this site to create 3D models from text or 2D drawings.
Project Turntable technology allows you to rotate your 2D vector drawings in 3D while still retaining the 2D art style at any angle.
“We tested and analyzed the ability of 152 astrologers to accurately match people to their natal charts.The 152 astrologers largely believed that they were capable of doing this task with accuracy well above chance.
Not a single astrologer got more than 5 out of 12 answers correct - even though, after completing the task, more than half of astrologers believed they had gotten more than 5 answers correct.
More experience with astrology had no statistically significant association with better performance, and the astrologers with the most experience didn't do any better than the rest.
Despite astrologers' belief that they were performing well on the task, there was little agreement among astrologers about which natal chart belonged to each study subject.
“We've developed a new series of AI models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond. They can reason through complex tasks and solve harder problems than previous models in science, coding, and math.
“Stair Quest is a recreation of all of the very worst moments of Sierra's early games.
Links to easily understandable content in a large number of languages.
AI that can create new frames between keyframes as well as colorize animated movies.